About Us
intimate mama
Jessica Snyder has been coaching for almost a decade. With her experience as a labor and delivery nurse, she started with birth coaching to help women feel confident, educated, and empowered - encouraging a mindful and intuitive birth. Her comprehensive birth prep courses offer tons of natural methods and alternative options, while also discussing pertinent medical information. Bridging the gap between the medical world and natural delivery, her perspective allows women to feel well rounded in their knowledge to choose what’s best for their bodies and their babies.
Since becoming a mother herself, she has expanded her work by helping moms rediscover and follow their passions to create balance and align with their mommy life. Motherhood is an incredibly magical time of growth in so many ways and Jessica loves walking alongside women on their path and witnessing their transformation as they step into their new role.
Jessica is a mommy circle & retreat host and lover of women’s gatherings. She also curates Mama Blessing events (the new baby shower) and is the founder of Intimate Mama.
What is offered?
We have established a one stop shop for all your birthing prep and beyond.
This isn’t your average labor class - this is birth coaching from A to Z. At Intimate Mama we provide well rounded and holistic courses that cover the basics in full and we've included important details to help you advocate for yourself.
There are simply things that people don’t tell you that we make sure to discuss, we stay up to date with the latest information on current practices, we advocate for natural methods before medical, we encourage partner involvement and teach them how to best support you, we give you tangible tools for coping, we practice couple communication, we will teach you a highly effective method for pushing, and that’s just to name a few. After our time together, you will walk into your delivery feeling well educated and empowered to birth the way you desire and own your birth story.
Become an "intimate mama" and join this community of amazing women as we navigate what it means to be a mama with grace, resiliency, and connection.


What you'll experience
The transformation you have already experienced as a mother is vast.
With that growth, you may have found that your previous life feels out of alignment with your heart. Through our three months together, you will reconnect with yourself, gain clarity, and follow your heart's passion with confidence and purpose.
As mothers, we strive to serve as the greatest example for our children. We hope to teach them to follow their dreams, to hold their vision strong, and to work toward their goals. We tell them to do what makes them happy and to make that their life's work. We remind them that they can do anything they set their minds to and to step away from anything that is no longer serving them.
It's time we take our own advice & set the greatest example of all.
Let's make our hearts happy, find balance in motherhood, and live in alignment with our souls desire.
the logo -
From head to toe this mama embodies pure and natural beauty radiating from the inside out.
She is looking to the right, to the future, for what is to come. Growing, transforming, and evolving through motherhood.
Her body in the shape of a raindrop symbolizes purity and new beginnings. Water allows us to see a reflection – the reflection of the human spirit.
Her hair, like a waterfall, symbolizes the flow of life which is in constant motion. It embraces the unknown of what lies ahead and it just keeps flowing.
The mountain is the stability, the things that remain constant in times of change. It symbolizes growth and the strength to face any challenge. The peak of the mountain symbolizes our highest consciousness and spiritual awakening. It lies at the neck to hold her head up high through any adversity she may encounter.
The stars represent our desires, goals, and dreams. They serve as guidance and provide clarity, they remind us of the miracles in life, and they are a sign of encouragement and achievement. The sky is the spirit, it is peace, and it is emotion. These are her mammary glands. A sign of nourishment, nurturing, and tenderness.
The moon symbolizes this new phase of life. It is a feminine symbol that, like the female’s body, moves through cycles. It represents our intuition, feelings, and inner power. The waxing crescent is when illumination is growing. This is the breast, seen as full, rich, and blessed.
The wildflowers are a sign of happiness and optimism. They have roots that symbolize our grounding. They blossom and are a cycle of life from seed to flower and back to the earth. Wildflowers are uncultivated, unrefined, raw and beautiful in its most natural form - like women in their most primal and natural state. This is at the arm where we hold our child, flowing happiness to them while embracing them in our arms.
The ocean is depicted as a high tide and a low tide wave. It shows the rhythm of life, the ups and the downs, the unknown, the mystery, the subconscious. It resembles power and strength, peace and tranquility, and boundlessness. It reminds us of our ability to adapt to our everchanging surroundings. Baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in the womb and will also soon adapt to a new environment at birth.
The infinity symbol is the baby. It is the soul, our life force energy, and eternal power. It is balance and harmony. It is oneness. It’s the idea that the soul lives forever even if our time on earth is finite.
The lotus symbolizes divinity and rebirth. It is sacred, a sign of purity, strength, and resiliency. It is our lady parts. Lotuses bloom from underground into light like the baby will through this passage.
It is also a sun, full of radiant and positive energy. It sheds light and illuminates the dark. It is a sign of awakening and of transformation, like the journey to motherhood.
This logo was carefully and thoroughly designed like the programs that have been strategically created just for you.